Saturday, January 30, 2010


The 3rd annual IC Benefit Show is here! Join us this Friday, February 5th at The Beat Kitchen to support the kids of the Dwan Madiki Partnership in Uganda, and to hear some awesome bands, including:

Killer Whale
Jane Thatcher
The Calumet Reel
Terrior Bute

Doors are at 8:30, and the show starts at 9PM. Tickets are $10 and the show is 17 & up. Buy your tickets at the door, or HERE

The proceeds directly benefit the 20 kids of the Dwan Madiki Partnership, and help to pay for the educational expenses. Learn more about Dwan Madiki at the Invisible Conflicts website, HERE.

See you there!

Why Didn't You Hear About Haiti...?

Speakers Forum on the Past, Present and Future of Haiti

Why didn't you hear about Haiti before January 12th? Come join us on Monday, February 1st in Finnegan Auditorium at 8PM to find out why the situation in Haiti is an invisible conflict. 

Speakers include:

Dr. John Dongohue, a history professor at Loyola University. Dr. Dongohue will be speaking about Haiti in a historical context, and will explain why the nation was nearly destroyed by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake - the same magnitude quake which only killed 63 people in San Francisco in 1989. 

Dr. Goheen is a film professor at Loyola, and was recently in Haiti. He will be speaking of his experience in the country and describing its modern day situation.

Invite your friends to the Facebook event HERE.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tragedy in Haiti - What YOU Can do to Help


Donate to Partners In Health to help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti, and stay posted for IC fundraising events in the upcoming week for the survivors of this humanitarian disaster.

Visit the Partners In Health website HERE to learn more about the organization and find out what you can do to help. 

Visit the BBC website HERE to read more about the ongoing crisis and Haiti, and to view images of the catastrophic damage, and rescue efforts. 

The thoughts and efforts of Invisible Conflicts members are with the victims of the earthquake, and those struggling to help them.